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Important information on the calibration of testing machines

In April 2020 important changes regarding the standard DIN EN 12390-4 came into force. Since this standard is of fundamental importance for the calibration of material testing machines, we would like to inform you about it with this information sheet in detail. In the series of standards DIN EN 12390 number 1-18 the procedures for the testing of hardened concrete are authoritatively regulated. Within this series of standards, there is a reference to the standard DIN EN 12390-4, where a material testing machine is required for execution. The referenced standards with the respective sections are: DIN EN 12390 Part 3 Pt. 5 (as of 10-2019); DIN EN 12390 Part 5 Pt. 5.1 (as of 10-2019); DIN EN 12390 Part 6 Pkt. 4.1 (as of 09-2010); DIN EN 12390 Part 13 Pkt. 5.1 (as of 06-2013). For these standards it applies, that for the described procedure a testing machine has to be used following the specifications of DIN EN 12390-4. One of these specifications for the character of the testing machine relates to the strain cylinder test (also known commonly as the strain test). In the December 2000 edition of DIN EN 12390-4, this test was not mandatory for all testing machines. All machines built before this standard was released were exempt. This created a grandfathering, but this was repealed when the amended standard was published in April 2020. Since April 2020, materials testing machines with the intended use of concrete testing within the DIN EN 12390 series of standards, may only be classified if they pass the rotary cylinder test. The calibration certificate lists the standards applied during calibration and provides a statement as to whether the strain cylinder test has been passed. Under these conditions, classification of the indicator is made possible. Sticking the mark confirms that the machine meets the required requirements.

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