Ein Rückblick auf die SEADMA-Konferenz 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand (8 November 2018)
Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Jahreskonferenz mit dem Thema „Erweiterung der Reichweite moderner Trockenmörtelanwendungen in Südwestasien".
Unser Vertriebsleiter Hr. Reuter präsentierte neue Zement- & Mörtel-Geräte von TESTING und hat neue Erkenntnisse aus der Trockenmörtelindustrie gewonnen.
13. SEADMA Konferenz 2018 in Bangkok

Bauma 2025
The world's leading trade fair for construction machinery will once again be held at the exhibiti
1. TESTING-Day - 21.09.2023
Der 1.TESTING-Day fand am 21.09.2023 im Headquarters der TESTING Bluhm und Feuerherdt GmbH
KazBuild 2023 - Almaty Kazahstan
Almaty, Kazakhstan
"Atakent" IEC 42
Timiryazev str.
6-8 Sept. 2023
TESTING being on the fast lane in Southeast Asia with Mika (11)
TESTING is on the fast lane in Southeast Asia!
We are pleased to announce that we are now an authorised sales partner of PROCEQ AG.
Mourning the death of our founder and owner
We mourn the loss of our founder and owner Jochim Feuerherdt
TESTING takes over MEMA GmbH
As of today, 01.02.2022, TESTING Bluhm & Feuerherdt GmbH takes over the company MEMA GmbH .
The first groundbreaking
The construction work on the new production facility for TESTING GmbH is in full swing.
15 good reasons for laboratory furnishing from TESTING
1. Raised edges, desired special dimensions, other material thicknesses upon request
Important information on the calibration of testing machines
In April 2020 important changes regarding the standard DIN EN 12390-4 came into force.